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Primary School

School Uniform

School Uniform

We expect all children to wear school uniform: looking neat and tidy and taking pride in their appearance. Parents/ Carers are asked to support the school’s uniform policy by providing the correct uniform and encouraging children to look after it. We also request that you label all items. 


Our Uniform

  • White polo shirt or shirt
  • Red cardigan, sweatshirt or jumper. 
  • Grey or black skirt or pinafore
  • Grey or black tailored trousers (trousers made of jersey fabric are permitted providing they give the appearance of smart trousers, not leggings)
  • Grey, white or black socks.
  • Grey, white or black tights.
  • Black shoes-these should be proper shoes ie not black trainers, crocs, or similar. Small, plain black ankle boots are acceptable during winter months.


Summer Uniform: as above, or red and white checked dress, grey or black knee-length tailored shorts.

Our Summer uniform can be worn from the return to school after the Easter break, up until October half term. 



  • White t-shirt, black shorts which are suitable for school (including in length) and trainers (which can be any colour).
  • Black jogging bottoms and a school jumper can be worn in winter for outdoor PE.



  • Apart from 1 pair of stud earrings (1 earring in each ear), no jewellery should be worn.
  • Earrings must be removed or taped over for PE lessons.
  • We permit the wearing of a watch or fitbit, as long as the device does not have the ability to take calls, photos or videos.


  • Hair should be a single natural colour.
  • We advise that long hair should be tied back.
  • All ribbons, slides, hair bands etc must be red, white or black and must be of a reasonable size.


Nail varnish or make-up should not be worn at school.


Purchasing uniform 

  • School uniform is available online at – these items contain our school logo.
  • Peter Spivey in Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead is also a stockist of our logoed uniform:  or call them on (01442) 256760 
  • You can also purchase uniform from supermarkets that does not feature our school logo.


PTA Pre Loved Shop

Our PTA run a pre loved pop-up shop in the Resources Room, located to the right of the Nest building as you walk up from the Great Elms entrance. Please do come and look to buy pre-loved uniform. If you have items to donate to the shop, please leave them in the pre-loved bin located outside of the school office. Thank you.