The Governing Body
The Instrument of Government states that the Governing Body shall consist of the following:
3 Parent Governors, LA Governor, Headteacher, Staff Governor and 4 Co-Opted Governors.
The Governing Body of Belswains Primary School is committed to assist the Headteacher and all staff in providing a safe, happy and all inclusive environment in which to deliver the best possible education for our children.
To assist with our aims, school links have been established between Governors and Staff
The Governing Body operates the following sub-committees:
- Resources – dealing with Finance, Premises, Staff Pay and Conditions
- Strategic – dealing with all curriculum related activities
Working Parties are set up as and when the need arises.
Belswains Primary School
Name | Governor Type | Term from | Term to | Committees | Roles | Business or Pecuniary Interests | Additional information |
Deborah Woodman | Co-opted | 23rd March 2021 | 22nd March 2025 |
Simon Warner | Parent Governor | 31 Oct 2023 | 30 Oct 2027 |
| Parent of children in the school |
Edward Baker | Co-opted Governor | 12 Sept 2024 | 11 Sept 2028 |
Andrew Barton | Nominated by LA | 18 Sept 2023 | 17 Sept 2027 |
Neysa Claridge | Headteacher | 01 Sept 2020 |
| Employed by Belswains Primary School |
Allison Culley | Co-opted Governor | 1 Nov 2022 | 31 Oct 2026 |
| Employed by Belswains Primary School |
Holly Elsworth | Parent Governor | 12 Sept 2024 | 11 Sept 2028 |
| Parent of children in the school |
Claire Fitzgibbon | Co-opted Governor | 23 Nov 2021 | 22 Nov 2025 |
| Parent of children in the school |
Che Gannarelli | Co-opted Governor | 18 Sept 2023 | 17 Sept 2027 |
Nicola Jones | Staff Governor | 01 Sep 2024 | 31 Aug 2028 |
| Employed by Belswains Primary School |
Nafeesa Khan | Parent Governor | 16 Sep 2021 | 15 Sep 2025 |
| Parent of children in the school | |
Tracey Middleton | Clerk |
| Clerk, Trainer and Admin roles currently undertaken. Employed by HfL Education Governor Services | |
Rosaria Attanasio | Associate Governor |
| Employed by Belswains Primary School | ||||
Rebecca Maher | Associate Governor |
| Employed by Belswains Primary School | ||||
- Associate members are not Governors (so are not counted in the total number of governors constitution) but are appointed by the Governing Body to bring expertise and experience in specific areas to committees. The majority of Associate Members are staff members such as Deputy Heads or members of the SLT, or in some cases an external person who cannot commit to the full time role of a governor but brings a skill (e.g. finance; health and safety) which supports the governing boards effectiveness. They may be appointed for a period of between one and four years. They may attend full Governing Body meetings and whilst they do not have voting rights on the governing board, if they are over 18, they can be delegated voting rights on a committee which should be reflected in the terms of reference for that committee.
- Other relevant interests includes relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)
- Governors at Belswains Primary School have declared that they have no other governance roles in other schools
The Approved Minutes of governing body meetings are available, upon request, from the school office.
The Governing Body undertakes an Annual Survey of all parents/carers to obtain their views on the performance of the school. Governors are available at all other times to listen to concerns or views of parents/carers and can be contacted via the school office.
The Chair of Governors and Headteacher send out an annual review letter to parents at the end of each academic year.