Speech and Language Support
Here are a number of games and resources that you can use to support the development of your child's speech sounds. The term 'Speech Sounds' refers to the actual production of sounds in a child's speech. This presents as your child having difficulty with producing particular sounds.
First of all, you are not a Speech and Language Therapist and no one is expecting you to be, so please do not panic if you don't understand any of the words used or feel overwhelmed. The important thing is to listen to your child, you will be able to tell which sounds they are struggling with. Use the speech sound cards and games to focus on these sounds, whilst adding in some sounds your child is able to produce to build their confidence. Make it fun, this is when it works best!
Please do not put any pressure on yourself, I will be ensuring that as soon as schools are open again, all Speech and Language Therapy is started immediately and adapted appropriately to address the time missed in school over this extraordinary experience.
No children in the UK are receiving Speech and Language Therapy from trained therapists at the moment, so try not to worry about your child falling behind.
If you have any concerns, questions or just need some reassurance please don't hesitate to contact me (senco@belswains.herts.sch.uk).
Stay safe,
Miss Cave
Games and Resources
Below are a range of other resources to support other aspects of Speech and Language such as attention and listening, play, understanding, talking, social interaction and communication.
If you would like advice or support on how to use any of these with your child, please don't hesitate to contact me (senco@belswains.herts.sch.uk).
Stay safe,
Miss Cave